Assignment 1: Blindfolded Walk
A blindfolded walk permits to perceive space in a more auditory way. One listens to sound cues instead of relying on sight. But the sounds seemed to be closer that they actually were and it was very difficult to estimate distance. The baby steps one takes as a blindfolded person add to this experience that distances seem longer than they actually are. The distance that I covered during the 15 minutes walk I would usually do in under 5 minutes. This leads to a different perception of time and space. It was also interesting to notice the sounds that are usually not paid attention to. And with time sounds with lower volume were also picked up. While visual input was completely missing the mind adapts to pay attention to other senses like the sense of touch and hearing.
Assignment 2: Soundscape
Listening to the environment with eyes closed and focusing on sounds facilitates perceiving things that are otherwise unheard. Only with time I found to notice low volume sounds that yet contribute to the overall experience of the place.
A visual reference of the auditory investigated space.
Assignment 3: Music
Assignment 5: Lost and Focused
While having my eyes closed I felt really lost, mostly in the big entrance hall where sound came from everywhere. There is was really hard to focus or concentrate and orient myself. So is lost and concentrated some sort of an opposite? Can it be combined in an architectural composition? When thinking about lost, I thought of disorientation and trying to figure out the right way. But lost could also signify lost in thoughts or lost in the moment. Or getting lost purpose see where the path takes you. Either way it is somewhat opposed to being focused or concentrated. Can someone be lost but focused at the same time? Maybe focused on the fact that one’s lost? I think of a place being highly dynamic, gradually funneling the attention. A journey where the person shifts between lost and focused. Maybe a state can be reached where a person feels lost but very focused at the same time.