
The course introduces acoustics and its practical applications in architecture and room design. Through lectures and exercises, students learn about key concepts such as reflection, absorption, and diffusion, as well as room acoustics, physiological acoustics, psychoacoustics, and electroacoustics.

The course format is a 1-hour lecture followed by a 2-hour exercise session. Students get a comprehensive understanding of acoustics and its practical applications in various settings, enabling them to apply their knowledge of acoustics in real-world scenarios.


Dr Achilleas Xydis

Dr Achilleas Xydis is a Greek architect based in Zurich.

His academic journey began in 2000 at the Technical University of Patras, where he specialised in the Restoration and Renovation of Buildings. Later, he transitioned to the School of Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Patras, setting the stage for his architectural pursuits. Beyond architecture, Achilleas possesses a deep-seated passion for music, particularly as a drummer. His love for rhythm and sound sparked his interest in audio, sound engineering, and acoustics, eventually leading him in 2012 in Zurich to attend the MAS in AI post-graduate program at ETH Zurich. In 2023, he earned the Doctor of Sciences title from ETH Zurich for his thesis “Data-Driven Acoustic Design“.

Achilleas’ professional path has been diverse, encompassing roles in various architecture firms and freelance work. After completing the MAS in AI program, he redirected his focus towards computational design, digital fabrication, interactive installations, and web-based applications. 

Today, Achilleas is a Post-doctoral researcher and a lecturer at the Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich. He continues exploring data-driven acoustic design methods in architecture and sharing his knowledge and expertise through lectures and workshops in architectural acoustics.

Dr Christian Frick

Christian Frick, a Swiss citizen based in Zurich, is a dynamic CTO and founder. He possesses a unique blend of engineering and scientific knowledge, which he applies across diverse fields with a passion for interdisciplinary expertise and analytical thinking.

With over a decade of experience, Christian founded and led Rocket Science AG, focusing on applied mathematics and physics in acoustics, digital signal processing, machine learning, and data science. His leadership extends to a diverse team of mathematicians, physicists, computational scientists, machine engineers, and electro engineers. Prior to this, he established Rocket Science GmbH, specializing in acoustics, vibration, sound engineering design, and noise measurements, alongside software and hardware development.

Christian’s professional background also includes serving as a member of the executive board and audio engineer at Rote Fabrik, where he managed live audio engineering, sound system optimization, and general management responsibilities. In academia, he contributed significantly as a molecular biologist at ETH Zurich, where his work spanned genetic modification, protein complex purification, and synchrotron X-ray crystallography.

Beyond his professional pursuits, Christian has a strong commitment to education and community involvement. He serves as the Chief Expert on the qualification procedure for the apprenticeship ‘Event specialist EFZ,’ playing a pivotal role in its specification, organization, and quality assessment. He is also a co-founder and board member at the College of Acoustics and the College of Audio Engineering in Zurich, where he lectures and oversees curriculum development in systems engineering, sound engineering, electrical engineering, and more.

Christian holds a Sc. nat ETH in molecular biology and biophysics from ETH Zurich and is proficient in German, English, and French. Outside of his professional life, he thrives in a vibrant 6 PAX patchwork family and enjoys applied physics, including motorcycles, tesla coils, and physical activities in nature, such as trail running or hiking.

His pursuit of challenging problems is fueled by a deep love for data and applied physics, making him a true empathic nerd with a dedication to innovation and excellence.

Jürgen Strauss

The physics laboratory technician Jürgen Strauss is the founder of SE MUSICLAB. He has been researching and teaching in the field of electro- and room acoustics since the ’90s. His SE MASTERING STUDIO MONITORS are used in the SONY MUSIC STUDIOS in Tokyo and many other music studios internationally.

He did the specialist spatial acoustic planning for the ARTLAB at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics MPI EAE in Frankfurt. The ARTLAB comprises a research concert hall with variable room acoustics and a control room in which the SE MASTERING STUDIO MONITORE SE-MF-2 are used.

Jürgen Strauss has been researching and teaching at ETH Zurich since 2008; together with GRAMAZIO & KOHLER RESEARCH/ ETH Zurich, several projects on acoustic diffusion and auralisation have been carried out in the field of acoustic architectural design.

Jürgen Strauss has contributed to the history of technology, art, and culture through lectures and publications.

Audio equipment

During the course, students will be introduced to a wide range of audio equipment and be able to use them for their assignments. A list with some of the equipment can be found here.

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