
Assignment 1: Blindfolded Walk

At first, being blindfolded made me feel uncomfortable. I needed some time to adjust and find my way. I focused on what I could hear and feel. Since I was familiar with the environment, I could navigate by sensing the floor beneath me. Carpet signalized offices, while rubber flooring meant I was near the entrance. I recognized the staircase by the way voices echoed. I even recognized the voice of one of my professors. I became aware of many small details that usually go unnoticed in daily life.

Assignment 2: Soundscape

Next to prominent and familiar sounds, at this spot, you can also hear many unfamiliar noises. The more you play it, the more sounds you start to notice. Can you identify them?

  • construction: O O O O O
  • child speaking: O O O O O
  • footsteps: O O O O O
  • people talking: O O O O O
  • leaves on the ground: O O O O O
  • walking movement: O O O O O

Assignment 3: grrawe – Gerriet K. Sharma

For me, the notes felt like waves- some higher, some lower, some faster, some slower. Each vibration shaped the movement of my hand into a wave pattern. All the waves start at the left side of the paper and end in one point at the right side of the paper. The bubbles visualize the “clicking” sounds, that are spread across the entire paper.

First attempt in Unity


Architectural Acoustics

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